Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; Philippians 1:6
There are times when we just don’t seem to be making progress in our spiritual life. It is good to know that when God starts a project that He sees it to its completion.
God started something in our life. It was a new life, created in Christ Jesus and we are His workmanship.(Eph.2:10). He continues this work throughout the rest of our life until we are finished with our race and go to meet Him face to face.
The Life Application Notes say: “God’s work for us began when Christ died on the cross in our place. His work in us began when we first believed. Now the Holy Spirit lives in us, enabling us to be more like Christ every day. Paul is describing the process of Christian growth and maturity that began when we accepted Jesus and continues until Christ returns.”
God is working in each of our lives. He is causing us to grow in grace and faith. He is knocking off the rough edges, smoothing us out and polishing us up until the day His work in us is complete. Don’t be discouraged when things are not going fast enough. Just relax and stop working so hard and just allow the growth to just blossom. When was the last time you heard a flower grunting and groaning and working at trying to bloom? It just does. Even in the desert, in the harshest of circumstances a flower grows...and without working is beautiful, as God created it to be.
Remember that God won’t give up on you. He promises to finish the work he has begun. When you feel imperfect, inadequate, or painfully aware of your shortcomings, remember God’s promise and provision. Don’t let your present condition rob you of the joy of knowing Christ or keep you from growing closer to him.
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