Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Right Heart

1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Some would think that Samuel would have learned with Saul about looking at the outside qualities of a person. He has Jesse’s sons before him and he is to anoint one of them as king. Notice what God says to him as he looks on these fine young men. “Don’t look at his appearance - appearance - whether he is handsome. And don’t look or not or the height of his stature. This would be indicative of his power or his natural ability. The Lord sees not as man sees. Man looks at outward appearance and the Lord looks on the heart.
David was not without his faults. He was valiant when it came to Goliath but he ran from Saul and Abimilech. He had a temper and was ready to kill Nabal and it was all about his pride. He had been hurt by Nabal's rejection. He went on to make his infamous choices concerning Bathsheba and the killing of her husband (which was no surprise to God). He had a problem with women (multiple wives and concubines.) and struggled with handling his family.
But David was teachable, even by a woman! Abigail had confronted him on his way to kill Nabal and pointed out that this was no way for the future king to act. David heard her and dropped his plans for revenge. When he was confronted with sin he confessed it and repented. He did not blame anyone else. And when it came to choosing his own punishment he chose to let God decide.
What is it that God looks for in the heart? Let David answer that question in his words to his son, Solomon. "As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.” 1 Chron. 28:9
God wants us to have an intelligent understanding of who He is. His character, nature and his relationship towards mankind in general and his children in specific. This means that we must understand that He is holy, pure, ever-present, and all-knowing. That He has a right to claim our worship our reverence, obedience and submission. He has a right to condemn our ingratitude, our sin and our departure from Him but that He is ready to receive us, forgive us and restore us if will return in repentance and in faith.
We should serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind. This is a heart that will follow and serve the Lord when it is convenient and inconvenient as well. A willing mind is one that is pleased to please God. A mind that will always ask, "Lord what will You have me do?" He wants a heart devoted and a will that is surrendered.
God wants us to seek Him. It means to spend time with God, to go often, looking for Him for fellowship as well as help and direction. When it seems that you are distant, you may need to strive even harder to hear his voice but He will be found. Don't forsake Him. If you do not give attention to knowing him, serving him, and seeking him you will forsake him.
The Lord searches the hearts and understands (separates) all imaginations of the thoughts. He knows the heart and he will search it at your request. He will search it without your request but he is graciously and lovingly interested in our lives and it seems the only time we don't want God "snooping around" is when we are doing something wrong. His desire is always for my best.



Welcome to my corner of the pasture. I hope you find encouraging words that will nourish your heart as well as words that challenge it... and your thinking.

About Me

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I was raised in southern California, married my lovely wife, Lynda in 1972 and moved to Bullhead City over in 1976. I began a bible study in 1980 that became a Calvary Chapel in 1981. I had been involved in work in Mexico and a made a short term trip to Hungry in 1993. In 1996 I went to and fell in love with Bulgaria. We have been working with several ministries there ever since.